Wednesday, October 10, 2012

No doubt the universe is unfolding as it should

A favorite of mine sprang into my head a few days ago: the Desiderata. Please check it out:

Also this word was passed onto me by a friend:

tardigrade \TAHR-di-greyd\, adjective:
1. Slow in pace or movement.
2. Belonging or pertaining to the phylum Tardigrada.
1. Also called bear animalcule, water bear. Any microscopic, chiefly herbivorous invertebrate of the phylum Tardigrada, living in water, on mosses, lichens, etc.
The days were long and boring as we walked a continuous almost tardigrade pace around several large buildings, again with empty carbines.
-- Stafford O. Chenevert, Amber Waves of Grain
…the soldiers were struggling and fighting their way after them, in such tardigrade fashion as their hoof-shaped shoes would allow—impeded, but not very resolutely attacked, by the people.
-- George Eliot, Romola
He rolls tardigrade, to a stop on a shoulder, stooped in sand, in its pretense as it doesn't exist and there's only desert…
-- Joshua Cohen, Witz
Related to the common word tardytardigrade comes from the Latin word tardigradus meaning "slow-paced."

As life is slower in Cambodia and as a PCV, it's interesting to consider the negative connotations of the word "tardy" and compare it to the concept of "slow-paced". When I arrived tardy to a class I was observing today, it was due to rain which slows things down here. If I had done so in America, I would have to apologize profusely and make an excuse. It just goes without saying here, which I think will be sometimes a bit liberating and simultaneously frustrating.


  1. i do believe the 60s live on - the desiderata! a bit less type a is always good. a whole country of manana is something we americans need to consider sometimes too. all this time for reflection is certainly having an effect on you. xoxo.

  2. I used to make the kids copy Desiderata in TCB!
    I would also try to memorize it in TCB when I got really bored...
