Saturday, July 21, 2012

"switch to bicycle life"

At our hubsite for training in Takeo, I was gifted (temporarily) my set of wheels for the next 8 weeks and I appropriately found a nice shiny red friend with the emblem above. I apologize for the current lack of picture and fotos in general, but they will show up when I next have access to Internet. Speaking of, I'm headed to the ETtT (challenging acronym for English Teacher/Teacher Trainer, say it 3 times fast) training village 8 km away in Triang for the majority of the next 2 months. There I will meet my host family looking like a proper Khmer lady to the best of my ability wearing a sampot and tailor made white shirt. We will be blessed by monks at a wat and then off to spend quality time with our host families. Although Internet access will be more scarce than here, I'll be writing back here in Khmer in no time at all...

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